

The FC Series of portable breath alcohol testers or “breathalyzers” are the professional’s choice for accuracy, reliability, and ease of use.

The five models of the FC Series cover the full spectrum of mobile alcohol testing. The FC5 passive alcohol screener rapidly and reliably detects the presence of alcohol in test subjects, ambient air and open drink containers without the need for mouthpieces or special attachments.

For direct breath alcohol content measurement with evidential accuracy we offer the FC10, FC10Plus, FC20 and FC20BT, approved by DOT/NHSTA and included on the US DOT Conforming Products List of Evidential Breath Testers. An impressive selection of advanced features include password protection, test memory, computer interface, wireless printing and automatic calibration.

Our top of the line FC20BT includes wireless and encrypted Bluetooth™ printing and data entry for interface to other applications and devices. The FC20BT can be customized to work with your existing Bluetooth devices.